Tuskar gives administrators the ability to control how and where OpenStack services are deployed across the datacenter. Using Tuskar, administrators divide hardware into "resource classes" that allow predictable elastic scaling as cloud demands grow. This resource orchestration allows Tuskar users to ensure SLAs, improve performance, and maximize utilization across the datacenter.
Tuskar services are available via a RESTful API and management console through which administrators are able to classify their hardware and define their datacenters. In addition, Tuskar components provide administrators with performance monitoring, health statistics, and usage metrics, aiding in capacity planning and hardware procurement decisions.
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Tuskar source code should be pulled directly from git:
git clone https://github.com/tuskar/tuskar.git
Setting up a local environment for development can be done with tox:
cd <your_src_dir>/tuskar # install prerequisites * Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install python-dev swig libssl-dev python-pip libmysqlclient-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev * Fedora/RHEL: sudo yum install python-devel swig openssl-devel python-pip mysql-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel # Note that as of Fedora 19, you need to use the community upstream for mysql, called mariadb-devel sudo easy_install nose sudo pip install virtualenv setuptools-git flake8 tox # With the exception of flake8, all of the above are also available for fedora via yum # create virtualenv tox -evenv -- echo 'done' # activate the virtualenv source .tox/venv/bin/activate # run testr init testr init # run pep8/flake8 checks flake8 # run unit tests testr run # deactivate the virtualenv deactivate
Please see our CONTRIBUTING.rst for details and a getting started guide.