
OAuth Implementation for Instagram integration

Primary LanguageJava

Android OAuth Library for Instagram Applications


You can create an utility class where you can define your application credentials, like the one below:

	public class ApplicationData {
		public static final String CLIENT_ID = "";
		public static final String CLIENT_SECRET = "";
		public static final String CALLBACK_URL = "";

To instantiate the main class for the oauth flow, you need to follow the code below:

	InstagramApp mApp; = new InstagramApp(this,

Once you have the main class ready for the authorization, you can start the authorization flow by calling the following method:


Is adviced to register an OAuthAuthenticationListener to be notified of the successful authentication.

If you token is expired, you can call this method to refresh it:



Grab the latest release via Gradle:

compile 'com.github.emanuelet:android-instagram-oauth:0.6.1'

Remember to add the jitpack.io dependency to your repositories:

repositories {
    maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

The library requires at minimum Java 7 or Android 4.0.


Any contribution to this project is welcome, feel free to fork and create pull requests

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