This is a realtime search box, where users search articles. Every search is saved for a future analyse and trend.
How to run
Install required gems
bundle install
Run migrations
rake db:migrate
Run rails
rails s
In another terminal window, run:
bundle exec sidekiq
Make sure you have Redis installed and running
Run all tests with
Check code coverage at /coverage on root folder.
If you want to see a demo, try this heroku link:
/ - Home - Where you make a realtime search
/statistics - Search Statistics - Where you can analyze what is most searched
This app is a basic rails app, however some cool gems are required:
Rspec - Best way to do your tests
Factory Girl - fixtures replacement
shoulda-matchers - for model validations
simplecov - for test code coverage
database_cleaner - clean database whenever tests run
Sidekiq - Best gem for delayed jobs with scaling