A Validation plugin for Fat Free Framework (Forked by GUMP). GUMP is a standalone PHP data validation and filtering class.
Copy to the lib folder lib\validate.php
or to the root of any auto included folder.
$data = $f3->get('POST')
$valid = Validate::is_valid($data, array(
'username' => 'required|alpha_numeric',
'password' => 'required|max_len,100|min_len,6'
if($valid === true) {
// OK, let's use the posted values
} else {
- required
Ensures the specified key value exists and is not empty
- valid_email
Checks for a valid email address
- max_len,n
Checks key value length, makes sure it's not longer than the specified length. n = length parameter.
- min_len,n
Checks key value length, makes sure it's not shorter than the specified length. n = length parameter.
- exact_len,n
Ensures that the key value length precisely matches the specified length. n = length parameter.
- alpha
Ensure only alpha characters are present in the key value (a-z, A-Z)
- alpha_numeric
Ensure only alpha-numeric characters are present in the key value (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
- alpha_dash
Ensure only alpha-numeric characters + dashes and underscores are present in the key value (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _-)
- alpha_space
Ensure only alpha-numeric characters + spaces are present in the key value (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, \s)
- numeric
Ensure only numeric key values
- integer
Ensure only integer key values
- boolean
Checks for PHP accepted boolean values, returns TRUE for "1", "true", "on" and "yes"
- float
Checks for float values
- exists_url
Check to see if the URL exists and is accessible
- valid_url
Check for valid URL or subdomain
- valid_ip
Check for valid generic IP address
- valid_ipv4
Check for valid IPv4 address
- valid_ipv6
Check for valid IPv6 address
- valid_cc
Check for a valid credit card number. Uses the MOD10 Checksum Algorithm
- valid_name
Check for a valid format human name
- contains,n
Verify that a value is contained within the pre-defined value set
- containsList,n
Verify that a value is contained within the pre-defined value set. The list of valid values must be provided in semicolon-separated list format (like so: value1;value2;value3;..;valuen). If a validation error occurs, the list of valid values is not revelead (this means, the error message will just tell the input is invalid, without displaying the valid set to the screen/user.
- doesNotcontainList,n
Verify that a value is not contained within the pre-defined value set. Semicolon (;) separated, list not outputted. See the rule above for more info.
- street_address
Checks that the provided string is a likely street address. 1 number, 1 or more space, 1 or more letters
- valid_iban
Check for a valid IBAN
- min_numeric
Determine if the provided numeric value is higher or equal to a specific value
- max_numeric
Determine if the provided numeric value is lower or equal to a specific value
- date
Determine if the provided input is a valid date (ISO 8601)
- starts
Ensures the value starts with a certain character / set of character
- valid_phone_number
Validate phone numbers that match the following examples: 555-555-5555 , 5555425555, 555 555 5555, 1(519) 555-4444, 1 (519) 555-4422, 1-555-555-5555
- regex
You can pass a custom regex using the following format: 'regex,/your-regex/'
- valid_json_string
validate string to check if it's a valid json format
- equals_fields
Check if two fields are equals
Filters can be any PHP function that returns a string. You can create your own function or use an existing PHP function to use as the filter.
- sanitize_string
Remove script tags and encode HTML entities;
- basic_tags
Remove all layout orientated HTML tags from text. Leaving only basic tags
- urlencode
Encode url entities
- htmlencode
Encode HTML entities
- sanitize_email
Remove illegal characters from email addresses
- sanitize_numbers
Remove any non-numeric characters
- whole_number
Ensure that the provided numeric value is represented as a whole number
- noise_words
Remove noise words from string
- trim
Remove spaces from the beginning and end of strings
- rmpunctuation
Remove all known punctuation characters from a string
- base64_encode
Base64 encode the input
- base64_decode
Base64 decode the input
- sha1
Encrypt the input with the secure sha1 algorithm
- md5
MD5 encode the input
- json_encode
Create a json representation of the input
- json_decode
Decode a json string
Adding custom validators and filters is made easy by using callback functions.
Create a custom validation rule named "is_code". Imagine we want the user to create a 6 letter code with 3 letters and 3 numbers eg: FAT300
The callback receives 3 arguments:
The field to validate, the values being validated, and any parameters used in the validation rule.
It should return a boolean value indicating whether the value is valid.
Validate::add_validator("is_code", function($field, $input, $param = NULL) {
return preg_match("^[A-Z]{3}\d{3}$", $input[$field]);
Create a custom filter named "upper".
The callback function receives two arguments:
The value to filter, and any parameters used in the filter rule. It should returned the filtered value.
Validate::add_filter("upper", function($value, $params = NULL) {
return strtoupper($value);
// This code must be included before activating the is_valid or run functions
Adding using with Cortex (by Ikkez):
class Category extends \DB\Cortex {
protected $table ="categories";
protected $fieldConf = [
'code' => array(
'type' => \DB\SQL\Schema::DT_VARCHAR128,
'validate'=> 'required|max_len,3', //Validations
'filter'=> 'trim|sanitize_string', //Filters
'title' => array(
'type' => \DB\SQL\Schema::DT_VARCHAR128,
'validate'=> 'required|alpha_numeric', //Validations
'filter'=> 'trim|sanitize_string', //Filters
'slug' => array(
'type' => \DB\SQL\Schema::DT_VARCHAR128,
'description' => array(
'type' => 'TEXT'
'icon' => array(
'type' => 'TEXT'
/* Now in your controller or something */
function add($f3) {
if($f3->exists('POST')) {
$this->model = new Category()
$validator= \Validate::instance();
$data= $f3->get('POST');
\Flash::instance()->addMessage('New Record Successfully added to Database','success');
$f3->reroute('/admin/' .$this->prural);
foreach ($validator->get_errors_array() as $field=>$error) {
#Handle Your errors
//\Flash::instance()->addMessage($error,'warning'); # Uncomment if you are using Flash
$f3->set('page.title','Add New'));
More documentation and examples can be found here: https://github.com/Wixel/GUMP