
TileZoom Plugin is an image zoom plugin which uses image tiles and provides a convenient way to zoom in and zoom out of high-resolution images.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TileZoom Plugin is an image zoom plugin which uses image tiles and provides a convenient way to zoom in and zoom out of high-resolution images.


Here you can find more info about jQuery TileZoom Plugin.

Demos and Examples


On this TileGenerator demo page you can try to upload your own image and see jQuery TileZoom Plugin in action.


Clone the repo, git clone git://github.com/ematsakov/tilezoom.git, or download the latest release.

== Changelog ==

= 1.2.1 - 2022-01-11 =

  • Added centering when initial zoom image is bigger than container
  • Added startTop and startLeft params

= 1.2 - 2015-12-02 =

  • Various modernization and flexibility enhancements ( Thanks to Michaël Fortin )
  • Mouse input is not disabled when a touchscreen is detected (mouse input didn’t work with Windows devices with seldom-used touchscreens).
  • Using Hammer.js for more robust multi-touch input instead of dnaielglyde/TouchIt
  • Added onZoom callback (called for each zoom step)
  • Removed dependency on ES6 feature (yield, which didn’t bring much to the table anyway).

= 1.1.1 - 2014-02-04 =

  • Added “initialized” callback which happens after tilezoom plugin has been fully initalized.

= 1.1 - 2012-10-11 =

  • Add touch gesture support (jQuery required dependency: https://github.com/danielglyde/TouchIt). Supports pinch to zoom in and out, double tapping to zoom and tap dragging
  • Add a gestures property and sets to false (just like mousewheel).
  • Add dragBoundaries boolean to optionally turn off constraining image to boundaries while dragging
  • Add double-click to zoom-in
  • Fix unbind the mousemove on mouse up
  • Add public resize() method if the container resizes
  • Fix issue where certain mousewheels (or trackpads) were giving a non-interger based delta were causing it to scale the holder to an un-even level (images would fail)
  • Add optimization to not re-zoom if we’re already at the correct level
  • Add CSS support for default navigation always showing with gestures on Thanks to Matt Moore for all of these issues fixed.
  • Fix issue “position: fixed;” on some Android 2.x devices.