
Code for the E2E Framework talk at Kubernetes Meetup Leipzig

Primary LanguageGo


Tests go.mod Go version

Repo for the Kubernetes Leipzig User Group meeting 05-04-2023 showcasing Kubernetes SIG e2e-framework.

The e2e-framework in this repo is used to run a suite of end-to-end tests:

  • Showcase how to use the framework for business applications
    • Deploy a NATS JetStream server
    • Deploy a message publisher (Golang app)
    • Deploy a message consumer (Golang app)
    • Assert the producer sends messages (*)
    • Assert the consumer receives messages (*)
    • Assert successful cleanup of test resources
  • Showcase how to use the framework with Kubernetes controllers/operators
    • Deploy the AWS ACK Controller for EventBridge
    • Create an EventBus resource
    • Assert the resource is synchronized and successfully created in the AWS service control plane (backend)
    • Assert successful cleanup of test resources

(*) The producer and consumer expose an HTTP health check which is flipped when a message was successfully sent/received. The pods will only enter the ready state if the health check probe succeeds, i.e., the deployment is considered available which is reflected in the resource's status and can be asserted on with a Wait() function in the framework. This is a very naive way of doing this, but shows how to use Kubernetes conditions for asynchronous assertations (works very nicely with Kubernetes Jobs).

Tools and Versions used

  • ko (0.13.0)
  • helm (v3.11.2)
  • kind (v0.18.0 - uses Kubernetes 1.26)
  • go (go1.20.3)
  • Docker (20.10.23)

Run the E2E Tests


This E2E test asserts that NATS is running in Kubernetes (deployed via helm as part of the test suite), a publisher Kubernetes deployment (Go) can send messages to a NATS JetStream topic, and a subscriber Kubernetes deployment (Go) successfully consumes messages from the stream.

# create kind cluster
kind create cluster --name e2e-meetup
export KIND_CLUSTER_NAME=e2e-meetup 
export KO_DOCKER_REPO=kind.local

# build and upload images to kind
# replace platform with your environment
export PUBLISHER_IMAGE=$(ko build -B --platform=linux/arm64 ./publisher) \
export SUBSCRIBER_IMAGE=$(ko build -B --platform=linux/arm64 ./subscriber)

# run nats tests
go test -race -count=1 -v ./e2e -args -v 4 -labels=feature=e2e-nats

Your output should be similar to

I0419 13:32:41.075876   72332 main_test.go:39] setting up test environment with kind cluster "e2e-meetup"
I0419 13:32:41.076098   72332 kind.go:93] Creating kind cluster e2e-meetup
I0419 13:32:41.867656   72332 kind.go:99] Skipping Kind Cluster.Create: cluster already created: e2e-meetup
=== RUN   TestSimpleE2E
I0419 13:32:52.556332   72332 helper_test.go:31] creating namespace "e2e-feature-f53" for feature "e2e demo with nats"
=== RUN   TestSimpleE2E/e2e_demo_with_nats
I0419 13:32:52.567830   72332 suite_test.go:48] adding nats repo "nats" using chart "https://nats-io.github.io/k8s/helm/charts/"


=== RUN   TestSimpleE2E/e2e_demo_with_nats/nats_server_running
I0419 13:32:53.772049   72332 suite_test.go:80] waiting for nats "nats-server" in namespace "e2e-feature-f53" to become ready
=== RUN   TestSimpleE2E/e2e_demo_with_nats/publisher_running
I0419 13:33:08.791521   72332 suite_test.go:99] creating deployment "publisher"
I0419 13:33:08.812503   72332 suite_test.go:106] waiting for deployment "publisher" in namespace "e2e-feature-f53" to become ready
=== RUN   TestSimpleE2E/e2e_demo_with_nats/subscriber_received_message
I0419 13:33:13.826676   72332 suite_test.go:121] creating deployment "subscriber"
I0419 13:33:13.849208   72332 suite_test.go:128] waiting for deployment "subscriber" in namespace "e2e-feature-f53" to become ready
I0419 13:33:18.881446   72332 helper_test.go:42] deleting namespace "e2e-feature-f53" for feature "e2e demo with nats"
--- PASS: TestSimpleE2E (26.33s)
    --- PASS: TestSimpleE2E/e2e_demo_with_nats (26.31s)
        --- PASS: TestSimpleE2E/e2e_demo_with_nats/nats_server_running (15.02s)
        --- PASS: TestSimpleE2E/e2e_demo_with_nats/publisher_running (5.03s)
        --- PASS: TestSimpleE2E/e2e_demo_with_nats/subscriber_received_message (5.05s)
ok      k8s-meetup-04-05-2023/e2e       38.501s

AWS EventBridge

This E2E test asserts that the AWS EventBridge controller Helm chart is running in Kubernetes (deployed via helm as part of the test suite), an EventBus custom resource is created, synchronized (status), and created in the AWS service control plane (backend).

# create kind cluster unless it already exists
kind create cluster --name e2e-meetup
export KIND_CLUSTER_NAME=e2e-meetup 
export KO_DOCKER_REPO=kind.local

# define AWS environment variables with IAM permissions to manage event buses and authenticate with ECR

# run eventbridge tests
go test -race -count=1 -v ./e2e -args -v 4 -labels=feature=e2e-eventbridge

Your output should be similar to

I0426 10:18:31.452472   37678 main_test.go:39] setting up test environment with kind cluster "e2e-meetup"
I0426 10:18:31.452674   37678 kind.go:93] Creating kind cluster e2e-meetup
I0426 10:18:31.686098   37678 kind.go:99] Skipping Kind Cluster.Create: cluster already created: e2e-meetup
=== RUN   TestDemoMultipleE2E
I0426 10:18:42.356441   37678 helper_test.go:39] creating namespace "e2e-feature-01a" for feature "e2e demo with nats"
=== RUN   TestDemoMultipleE2E/e2e_demo_with_nats
    env.go:432: Skipping feature "e2e demo with nats": unmatched labels "[feature=[e2e-nats]]"
I0426 10:18:42.369002   37678 helper_test.go:50] deleting namespace "e2e-feature-01a" for feature "e2e demo with nats"
I0426 10:18:42.377324   37678 helper_test.go:39] creating namespace "e2e-feature-46e" for feature "e2e demo with eventbridge"
=== RUN   TestDemoMultipleE2E/e2e_demo_with_eventbridge
I0426 10:18:42.382857   37678 eventbridge_test.go:91] creating aws credentials secret "eventbridge-credentials" in namespace "e2e-feature-46e"
I0426 10:18:42.388304   37678 eventbridge_test.go:110] retrieving ecr authorization token
I0426 10:18:43.127327   37678 eventbridge_test.go:120] logging in to ecr registry "public.ecr.aws"
I0426 10:18:49.928574   37678 eventbridge_test.go:126] installing eventbridge controller "ack-eventbridge-controller" in namespace "e2e-feature-46e" with version "v1.0.0"
I0426 10:18:49.928878   37678 helm.go:241] "Running Helm Operation" command="helm install ack-eventbridge-controller oci://public.ecr.aws/aws-controllers-k8s/eventbridge-chart --namespace e2e-feature-46e --version v1.0.0 --create-namespace -f ./testdata/eventbridge.config --set aws.region=eu-central-1 --wait --kubeconfig /var/folders/62/qd6v4j797gjg9ygkwtdvt97c0000gr/T/kind-cluser-e2e-meetup-kubecfg3819137103"


=== RUN   TestDemoMultipleE2E/e2e_demo_with_eventbridge/event_bus_created
I0426 10:19:14.903570   37678 eventbridge_test.go:162] creating event bus "e2e-feature-4a0" in namespace "e2e-feature-46e"
I0426 10:19:14.910773   37678 eventbridge_test.go:167] waiting for event bus "e2e-feature-4a0" in namespace "e2e-feature-46e" to become ready
I0426 10:20:09.920583   37678 eventbridge_test.go:182] asserting event bus "e2e-feature-4a0" in namespace "e2e-feature-46e" exists in aws service control plane
=== RUN   TestDemoMultipleE2E/e2e_demo_with_eventbridge/event_bus_deleted
I0426 10:20:10.059323   37678 eventbridge_test.go:204] deleting event bus "e2e-feature-4a0" in namespace "e2e-feature-46e"
I0426 10:20:10.071365   37678 eventbridge_test.go:210] asserting event bus "e2e-feature-4a0" in namespace "e2e-feature-46e" is deleted in aws service control plane
I0426 10:20:15.096922   37678 eventbridge_test.go:246] uninstalling eventbridge controller "ack-eventbridge-controller" in namespace "e2e-feature-46e"
I0426 10:20:15.097669   37678 helm.go:241] "Running Helm Operation" command="helm uninstall ack-eventbridge-controller  --namespace e2e-feature-46e --kubeconfig /var/folders/62/qd6v4j797gjg9ygkwtdvt97c0000gr/T/kind-cluser-e2e-meetup-kubecfg3819137103"
I0426 10:20:15.365897   37678 helm.go:244] Helm Command output
release "ack-eventbridge-controller" uninstalled
I0426 10:20:15.366155   37678 helper_test.go:50] deleting namespace "e2e-feature-46e" for feature "e2e demo with eventbridge"
--- PASS: TestDemoMultipleE2E (93.03s)
    --- SKIP: TestDemoMultipleE2E/e2e_demo_with_nats (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestDemoMultipleE2E/e2e_demo_with_eventbridge (93.00s)
        --- PASS: TestDemoMultipleE2E/e2e_demo_with_eventbridge/event_bus_created (55.16s)
        --- PASS: TestDemoMultipleE2E/e2e_demo_with_eventbridge/event_bus_deleted (5.05s)
ok      k8s-meetup-04-05-2023/e2e       104.869s