
A Minimalistic Twitter CLI Client

Primary LanguageGo

What's tw?

It turned out that it's not just me who (ab)uses the Twitter Like button for a "read later" list :)

tw is a very basic Twitter client to query your Likes, and do some powerful JSON filtering (see examples below).

Currently, only Likes can be queried. tw is expandable though ;)

Please keep ideas and bugs coming (file an Issue).

Get it

Releases (Binaries)

Download a release for OSX, Windows and Linux from the Releases page.


docker pull ghcr.io/embano1/tw:latest

Homebrew 🍺

# Tap tw repository and install
brew install embano1/tw/tw


Note You first need to set up authentication, see Authentication section below.

After you downloaded a release and with authentication set up:

# OSX/ Linux Quick start with your credentials in <HOME>/auth.json
./tw likes -f ~/auth.json --pretty

Or with Docker installed:

# Quick start with your credentials in <HOME>/auth.json
docker run --rm -it -v ~/auth.json:/auth.json ghcr.io/embano1/tw:latest tw -f /auth.json -p likes

# If you have a JSON parser like 'jq' installed, this works as well
# Running without "-it" because this could mess up JSON printing on the CLI
docker run --rm -v ~/auth.json:/auth.json ghcr.io/embano1/tw:latest tw -f /auth.json likes | jq '.[]|"---------",.user.screen_name,.full_text,.entities.urls[].expanded_url'

# If you don't have a JSON parser installed, use the one provided in the image
docker run --rm -it -v ~/auth.json:/auth.json ghcr.io/embano1/tw:latest sh
# Now inside the container...
/ tw -f /auth.json likes | jq '.[]|"---------",.user.screen_name,.full_text,.entities.urls[].expanded_url'

Help and Flags

./tw --help                                                                    
usage: tw [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

    ______   __     __
   /\__  _\ /\ \  _ \ \
   \/_/\ \/ \ \ \/ ".\ \
      \ \_\  \ \__/".~\_\
       \/_/   \/_/   \/_/

    A minimal Twitter CLI

    This application uses Oauthv1 to securely authenticate requests.
    You can obtain API credentials from https://apps.twitter.com/.
    Always handle secrets carefully!

    tw -f twitter_credentials.json likes

  -h, --help       Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  -v, --version    Show application version.
  -f, --file=FILE  Path to a JSON file containing auth credentials
  -p, --pretty     Pretty print instead of JSON (default: JSON)

  help [<command>...]
    Show help.

    Get your likes

Filtering with jq

jq is like sed for JSON data.
You can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text.

Tutorial and Manual


# Nicer JSON output
./tw -f auth.json likes | jq '.'    

# Count number of your likes
./tw -f auth.json likes | jq '[.[].id]|length'    

# Query links in your likes
./tw -f auth.json likes | jq '.[].entities.urls[].expanded_url'  

# Print username and Tweet text
./tw -f auth.json likes | jq '.[]|"---------",.user.screen_name,.full_text'  


This application uses OAuthv1 to securely authenticate requests. You can obtain API credentials from https://apps.twitter.com/. See below for a detailed description.

Always handle secrets carefully!

Authenticate tw via File

# Create auth.json file in the 'tw' folder, e.g. on Linux/ OSX
touch auth.json

Copy and paste everything below into auth.json (replace values with your own).

    "Consumer_Secret": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
    "Access_Token": "1234567-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
    "Access_Token_Secret": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

Test it...

./twfaves -f auth.json -p

Step-by-Step Guide to create Authorization Credentials

Log in at https://apps.twitter.com your Twitter account. Select Create New App.


Insert application details. Note: the name must be a unique (not already taken), e.g. append a number.


Create application and click on Key and Access Tokens. Bonus point: reduce permissions to Read Only (tw does not require write access).



Now click Create my access token.


Use Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token, and Access Token Secret in your auth.json file or set the corresponding environment variables.



Requires a working go environment.

git clone https://github.com/embano1/tw
cd tw

# Builds a static binary for your GOOS
go build .