
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

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Multiple sensor connections, communicaions, storing, and forwarding data.

📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

SensorFusion collects and controls data from various types of sensors. It allows users to receive data from sensors and send commands to control them. SensorFusion also provides a platform to store data received from sensors in databases and forward them to the cloud. With SensorFusion, users can easily integrate and manage different types of sensors in their projects.

Sensor Fusion config every sensor independently, enabling/disabling without impact to other sensors' operation.

Data will be stored in the database and optional to a CSV file with configurable path and frequency.

🏁 Getting Started

Clone project from this repository or download the source files in compressed format in the list of release packages.

➡️ Prerequisites


  • cmake
  • googletest
  • libserial-dev
  • socat

Install dependency packages:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y autogen autoconf build-essential cmake\
                    gcc git graphviz g++ libgtest-dev libserial-dev libtool\
                    pkg-config socat

⛏️ Compiling

A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running.

Compile the SW


The output will be

m2m-serial test_lins355

🔧 Running the tests

Run the automated tests for this SW.

✅ Unit test

The output will be like below

sudo ./run_test.sh

🚀 Running SW

Run SW with the real device: "./m2m-serial <device_file>"

sudo ./m2m-serial -d /dev/ttyUSB0

📝 Todo

The Bucket list for the future implemented features:

  • Output logs to a file and set logging rotation.
  • Get version from git tag for auto naming the output packages.
  • Configuration for SW from json file.
  • Replace data storing by a real time database for a better management and scalability.
  • Documentation for software and solution architecture (UML & Graph).

✍️ Authors