
The EmbedElite Semantic Kernel plugin submission for the SK Hackathon

Primary LanguagePython


Relevant LLM-ready assets for professionals.

🥳 We are among the winners of the SK Hackathon! Thanks to the SK Team and community for your interest and votes. Since the hackathon has ended, we had to deactivate the API key used in this repo. Also we are going to refine our plugin/provide more integration examples soon. If you would like to get access to our API or discover more embeddings/RAG solutions, please check our website www.embedelite.com

SK Hackathon EmbedElite Plugin

This project is creating a plugin for the EmbedElite marketplace for the SK Hackathon. The Sementic Kernel plugin facilitates fetching ready-made premium context based on embeddings via an API.

About EmbedElite

EmbedElite is a marketplace for LLM assets, i.e., data chunks, priced by demand and queried via Retrieval-Augmented Generation (“RAG”) On one side, data vendors feed information onto the platform and are compensated per usage of their data and retrieval algorithm On the other side, data consumers perform queries enriched by the relevant assets and algorithms, paying per query and tokens retrieved

How to Use EmbedElite

Endpoints for Data Consumers

Request Type: POST




Content-Type: application/json

Body (JSON):

  "query": "<your_query_to_make>",
  "product_id": "<the_product_id>",
  "rag_id": "<the_rag_id>",
  "price_floor": 1.0,
  "price_cap": 5.0,
  "currency": "EUR"

cUrl example:

curl -X POST https://api.embedelite.com/query \
-H "API-Key: sk-ee-9m839d3n98nh39fh9f3mhe98h3" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "query": "What are the VAT rules in Germany if I sell services?",
  "product_id": "vat-rules-eu",
  "rag_id": "RAG_aks298msd9nj34hncs",
  "price_floor": 1.0,
  "price_cap": 5.0,
  "currency": "EUR"

Response Example:

  "response": "If you sell services in Germany, you usually charge the German VAT rate of 19%. However, there are exceptions for broadcasting, telecommunication, and electronically-supplied services, which must be charged at the VAT rate of the customer's country. If your customer is in another EU country, your invoice must contain specific information, such as the customer's name and address, the date of the invoice, the VAT rate, and the total amount including VAT. If your customer is outside the European Union, you must not charge VAT.",
  "updated_at": "2023-07-25"
  "currency": "EUR",
  "paid": 2.3,
  "originalQuery": "What are the VAT rules in Germany if I sell services?",
  "price_cap": 2.3,
  "price_floor": 2.3,

For Vendors

Data vendors can simple push content via a POST endpoint to the platform. EmbedElite will keep the data confidential and intellectual ownership stays with the vendor. The ownership is defined in the metadata field. If you are a data vendor, please contact us for the data vendor API access: info@embedelite.com.

Requirements to use the plugin

Sample Configuration

A .env file housed within the project is used for configuring the sample. It contains API keys and other confidential settings.

Ensure you possess an Open AI API Key or an Azure Open AI service key

Create a new file titled .env by duplicating the .env.example file. Then transfer your API keys into the new .env file:


Sample Execution

Within Visual Studio Code, press F5 to run the console application. As defined in launch.json and tasks.json, Visual Studio Code will implement poetry install and then python hello_world/main.py

To build and execute the console application from the terminal, apply the following commands:

poetry install
poetry run python main.py