- 7
More aws-sdk-v3 issues
#188 opened by owen-c - 2
Release 5.0 out of beta?
#191 opened by gzurbach - 3
Support aws config file
#177 opened by Techn1x - 8
AWS SDK v2 deprecation warning
#173 opened by gzurbach - 1
Vulnerability: `vm2` via `proxy-agent`
#179 opened by gorner - 1
RCE vulnerability in `pac-resolver`
#148 opened by epfremmer - 2
Use immutable in cache-control
#160 opened by BryanCrotaz - 1
Consider including .json files by default?
#126 opened by simonihmig - 2
Not able to specify storageclass
#110 opened by stephankaag - 1
request timeout
#108 opened by sescobb27 - 3
AWS S3 default MIME type for wasm files is incorrect
#105 opened by jenweber - 1
Error: write EPIPE
#103 opened by Oliveira-SanRamon - 2
specify-signature-version v4
#82 opened by pedrokost - 4
bug where region not in US East (N. Virginia) Region resolves to Inaccessible host
#73 opened by prosdev - 5
- 2
- 4
Backslashes mess up deploying to S3 on Windows
#33 opened by Awem - 6
Upgrade from 0.4.0 > 0.5+
#75 opened by Blackening999 - 3
- 2
Using AWS from CLI
#114 opened by surya-narayanan - 3
Specifying a different endpoint for AWS
#90 opened by adregan - 3
add wasm to filePattern defaults?
#101 opened by jenweber - 3
Using AWS credential profile
#95 opened by rynam0 - 1
defaultMimeType does not work
#93 opened by kiwi-josh - 2
Feature Request -- ability to upload a non-fingerprinted file even if present in s3
#92 opened by stephencattaneo - 10
Support for zipping files [FastBoot]
#66 opened by Jarred-Sumner - 0
Deprecation warning with ember-cli 2.12.0
#87 opened by elgordino - 7
Error: Cannot find module './lib/aws'
#81 opened by campbecf - 2
Batching file uploads
#78 opened by tomlagier - 1
Getting SignatureDoesNotMatch even with Root Creds
#68 opened by hhff - 2
Getting: SignatureDoesNotMatch: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided.
#64 opened by jurgenwerk - 3
- 0
manifest.txt should be uploaded as last
#54 opened by YoranBrondsema - 2
How to use with US Standard?
#56 opened by hhff - 11
Setting cache-control && expires
#52 opened by yankeeinlondon - 3
Support for AWS Code Deploy
#38 opened by MojoJojo - 6
- 5
- 7
Favicon.ico is not accessible at /
#47 opened by florent-blanvillain - 2
Support IAM Roles
#29 opened by ryansch - 2
Include Reasonable S3 CORS Defaults
#22 opened by lukemelia - 4
Default the region to us-east-1?
#41 opened by devinus - 3
Document minimum policy requirements on S3
#35 opened by MojoJojo - 4
- 8
- 3
- 3
Support Riak S2
#30 opened by listepo - 0
- 1
- 1
Set Content-MD5 header so we get verification by S3 that upload was not corrupted
#9 opened by lukemelia