
Automated migration for new Ember application layout.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Migrates ember-cli projects to the newly proposed module format.

This migrator does not leave an application in a bootable state. See "Usage" for instructions on how to manually update a migrated app to a bootable setup.

See emberjs/rfcs#143 for details on the design of this app layout.


These are examples of the migrator output on various apps:


To run the migrator on your app:

npm install -g ember-module-migrator jscodeshift
cd your/project/path

After running the migrator itself, you will need to update several files to boot an application in order to boot it.

Booting a migrated app

The best path forward is to run the ember-octane-blueprint on the converted app:

# This command will run the blueprint, but it requires Ember-CLI 2.14.
# You may want to manually update the following packages before running the
# `ember init` command:
#   npm i ember-resolver@^4.3.0 ember-cli@github:ember-cli/ember-cli --save-dev
#   npm uninstall ember-source --save
#   bower install --save components/ember#canary
# If you are already running 2.14, you can jump right to the command:
ember init -b ember-octane-app-blueprint

Additionally any component names not in a template are not recognized by the migrator. For example if you have a computed property that returns the string "widget/some-thing" using that string with the {{component helper will now cause an error. You must convert these component named to not have / characters in their strings.

Running module unification with fallback to classic app layout

If an application cannot be converted all at once, or if your application is dependent upon addons that use app/ to add files, you may want to use a setup that falls back to app/ after checking src and honors the app/ directory for some files like initializers.

To do this use a fallback resolver in src/resolver.js:

import Resolver from 'ember-resolver/resolvers/fallback';
import buildResolverConfig from 'ember-resolver/ember-config';
import config from '../config/environment';

let moduleConfig = buildResolverConfig(config.modulePrefix);
 * If your application has custom types and collections, modify moduleConfig here
 * to add support for them.

export default Resolver.extend({
  config: moduleConfig

In src/main.js be sure to load initializers in the app/ directory (possibly added by an addon) via:

 * This line should be added by the blueprint
loadInitializers(App, config.modulePrefix+'/src/init');

 * This line should be added to support `app/` directories
loadInitializers(App, config.modulePrefix);

Running Tests

  • npm run test

To debug tests:

  • All tests: mocha --debug-brk --inspect test/**/*-test.js
  • A single test: mocha --debug-brk --inspect test/**/*-test.js --grep test-helpers

Important Notes

Known caveats:

  • Migrates only "classic" structured ember-cli apps at this point. We are actively working on pods support.