A collection of codemod's for ember-no-get-with-default-codemod.
To run a specific codemod from this project, you would run the following:
npx ember-no-get-with-default-codemod <TRANSFORM NAME> path/of/files/ or/some**/*glob.js
# or
yarn global add ember-no-get-with-default-codemod
ember-no-get-with-default-codemod <TRANSFORM NAME> path/of/files/ or/some**/*glob.js
const test = obj.getWithDefault('key', 'default');
const test2 = obj.getWithDefault('key', 'default').includes('foo');
const test = get(obj, 'key') !== undefined ? get(obj, 'key') : 'default';
const test2 = (get(obj, 'key') !== undefined ? get(obj, 'key') : 'default').includes('foo');
Before nullish coalescing
const test = obj.getWithDefault('key', 'default');
const test2 = obj.getWithDefault('key', 'default').includes('blah');
const test3 = getWithDefault(this, 'key', 'default');
const test4 = getWithDefault(this, 'key', 'default').includes('blah');
const test5 = getWithDefault(obj, `foo.${key}`, []);
import { get } from '@ember/object';
const test = get(obj, 'key') ?? 'default';
const test2 = (get(obj, 'key') ?? 'default').includes('blah');
const test3 = get(this, 'key') ?? 'default';
const test4 = (get(this, 'key') ?? 'default').includes('blah');
const test5 = get(obj, `foo.${key}`) ?? [];
Before comment nullish coalescing
const test = obj.getWithDefault('key', 'default');
const test2 = obj.getWithDefault('key', 'default').includes('blah');
import { get } from '@ember/object';
//TODO rewrite with `get(obj, 'key') ?? 'default'` if result can be null
const test = get(obj, 'key') !== undefined ? get(obj, 'key') : 'default';
//TODO rewrite with `get(obj, 'key') ?? 'default'` if result can be null
const test2 = (get(obj, 'key') !== undefined ? get(obj, 'key') : 'default').includes('blah');
- clone the repo
- change into the repo directory
# Add leading comments to encourage migration. This is suitable for codebase that has not adopted the syntax yet.
# Transform to include nullish coalescing operator
yarn test
yarn update-docs
node --inspect-brk ./node_modules/.bin/jest --runInBand
- Does not add import 'get' when it's missing
- Add transform to nullish coalescing