
Full Stack Capstone Project for Nashville Software School | February 2021

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Shelf Help

Full stack capstone project completed for Nashville Software School [February 2021]
Shelf Help is an application geared towards helping users easily create a list of recipees they want to cook but more importantly, allows the user to quickly add a recipes ingredients to their grocery list, view ingredients they already have at home & keep track of what is needed for any given meal.

Technologies Used

Front End

Back End

  • .NET 5
  • ASP.NET Core
  • Entity Framework Core




You will need to create a Firebase project to have working authentication and authorization.

Go to Firebase and create a project (can be named anything) In the project settings, you will need your Project Id and Web API Key

Spoonacular API

You will need to create an account on Spoonacular's site, the api key will be in your user profile.

Getting Started

  1. from your terminal, run git clone for this repository
  2. in appsettings.js, paste your Firebase Project ID in the designated area
  3. from API folder, run SQL create file to create the database
  4. from API folder, run SQL seed file to initialize data
  5. from terminal navigae to client folder of repository
  6. execute npm run to install necessary node packages
  7. create a env.local file & paste the following code (with your keys)
  8. execute npm run from client folder to start app
  9. run server from local machine for SQL data.