
Testing Vike

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This app has been created with Bati using the following flags: --react --daisyui --tailwindcss --trpc --express --prisma --eslint --prettier

Next steps



Run the following command once:

pnpx prisma init

then follow instructions at https://www.prisma.io/docs/getting-started/quickstart#2-model-your-data-in-the-prisma-schema

About this app

This app is ready to start. It's powered by Vike and React.


Such files are the interface between Vike and your code. It defines:


Vike's built-in router lets you choose between:


The error page which is rendered when errors occur.

/pages/+onPageTransitionStart.ts and /pages/+onPageTransitionEnd.ts

The onPageTransitionStart() hook, together with onPageTransitionEnd(), enables you to implement page transition animations.


SSR is enabled by default. You can disable it for all your pages or only for some pages.

HTML Streaming

You can enable/disable HTML streaming for all your pages, or only for some pages while still using it for others.