
near smart contract implement ibc protocol

Primary LanguageRust


This is an implementation of the IBC protocol (IBC/TAO) in the NEAR protocol, which includes additional applications such as ICS-20, written by Octopus Network.

Implementation of IBC/TAO

The near-ibc crate is a NEAR smart contract that contains the implementation of interfaces (traits) defined in ibc-rs. These interfaces are essential for IBC/TAO processes. The smart contract also offers view functions for IBC relayer hermes. These functions enable querying of the state of hosted clients, connections, channels and other necessary IBC data.

Implementation of ICS-20

The near-ibc crate also includes the implementation of the transfer module (ICS-20) to reduce the impact of current ibc-rs implementation.

Our implementation of the BankKeeper trait uses sub-accounts mechanism of NEAR protocol. The general design is as the following:

NEAR IBC accounts

Root account

The root account will be deployed by the wasm of the near-ibc crate. It includes the whole implementation of IBC/TAO and application module transfer (ICS-20).

The contract near-ibc will at least provide the following interfaces (functions):

  • Function deliver:
    • Any account can call this function.
    • This function is for relayers to deliver IBC packet to IBC/TAO implementation. It will perform full standard processes for IBC packet implemented by ibc-rs crate.
  • Function setup_wrapped_token:
    • Only the governance account can call this function.
    • This function will call setup_asset function of token-factory contract to create and initialize a wrapped token contract for a specific asset from a certain channel.
  • Function setup_channel_escrow:
    • Only the governance account can call this function.
    • This function will call create_escrow function of escrow-factory contract to create and initialize an escrow contract for a specific channel.
  • Function register_asset_for_channel:
    • Only the governance account can call this function.
    • This function will call register_asset function of channel-escrow contract to register a token contract and its denom as a whitelisted asset for a certain channel.
  • Function process_transfer_request:
    • Only the sub-accounts of near-ibc account can call this function.
    • This function will call the send_transfer function implemented in ibc-rs crate to update on-chain state and generate necessary IBC events for relayers to perform a cross-chain token transfer. (Refer to Sub accounts for assets from other chains and Sub accounts for channel escrows for more details.)

Sub account transfer

Full account id: transfer.<root account>.

The sub-accounts at this level are reserved for applications (modules) in IBC protocol. In our implementation of ICS-20, this sub-account doesn't require any smart contract code deployment, as it is only acting as a placeholder.

Sub account token-factory

Full account id: tf.transfer.<root account>.

This account is for deploying token contracts for assets from other chains. The contract in this account is implemented by the token-factory crate.

The contract token-factory will at least provide the following interfaces (functions):

  • Function setup_asset:
    • Only the ancestor accounts of current account can call this function. The original caller should be the governance account set in near-ibc contract.
    • This function checks whether the sub-account for the asset corresponding to the denomination of the coin (passed by the caller) exists. If not, a new sub-account will be created and initialized automatically.
    • When it is necessary to create sub-account for a new asset, this function will also check for duplication of both denomination and asset id (refer to sub-accounts for assets from other chains) in order to avoid hash collisions. Besides, the mappings of denomination and asset id will also be stored in this contract.
  • Function mint_asset:
    • Only the ancestor accounts of current account can call this function.
    • This function will be called in function BankKeeper::mint_coins, which is implemented by the transfer module in near-ibc contract.
    • This function will call the mint function of the contract of the sub-account automatically. (Also refer to sub-accounts for assets from other chains.)
  • Necessary view functions for querying denominations and asset ids.

Sub accounts for assets from other chains

Full account id: <asset id>.tf.transfer.<root account>, where the asset id is the leftmost 128 bits of sha256 hash of the denomination of a certain cross-chain asset, in hex format. Thus, the length of the whole account id will be 32 + 13 + (length of root account id), which can be controlled not longer than 64.

This account is for minting and burning cross-chain assets that are NOT native in NEAR protocol. The contract in this account is implemented by the wrapped-token crate.

The contract wrapped-token will at least provide the following interfaces (functions):

  • Function mint:
    • Only the parent account of current account (the token-factory account) can call this function.
    • This function will mint a given amount of tokens to a given account in current token contract.
  • Function request_transfer:
    • Only the token holders of in this contract can call this function.
    • If all checks passed, this function will lock the given amount of tokens from the caller account (internal transfer them to the current account) and generate a pending transfer request for the caller account. Then it will schedule a call of process_transfer_request function of near-ibc contract.
  • Function apply_transfer_request:
    • Only the near-ibc contract account can call this function.
    • If the given parameters matches the pending transfer request of the given user account, the pending transfer request will be applied and removed. The given amount of tokens will be internal burnt from the current account.
  • Function cancel_transfer_request:
    • Only the near-ibc contract account can call this function.
    • If the given parameters matches the pending transfer request of the given user account, the pending transfer request will be canceled and removed. The given amount of tokens will be unlocked (internal transferred from the current account to the caller account corresponding to the pending transfer request).

Sub account escrow-factory

Full account id: ef.transfer.<root account>.

This account is for deploying escrow contracts for assets native in NEAR protocol. The contract in this account is implemented by the escrow-factory crate.

The contract escrow-factory will at least provide the following interfaces (functions):

  • Function create_escrow:
    • Only the ancestor accounts of current account can call this function.
    • This function will create a sub-account for a certain IBC channel if it does not already exist. Then deploy and initialize the escrow contract (implemented by crate channel-escrow) in the sub-account automatically.

Sub accounts for channel escrows

Full account id: <channel id>.ef.transfer.<root account>.

This account is for receiving/locking NEP-141 assets that are native in NEAR protocol when they are transferred out of the NEAR protocol. It is also responsible for transferring/unlocking these NEP-141 assets when they are transferred back to the NEAR protocol. The contract in this account is implemented by the channel-escrow crate.

The contract channel-escrow will at least provide the following interfaces (functions):

  • Function register_asset:
    • Only the near-ibc contract account can call this function. The original caller should be the governance account set in near-ibc contract.
    • This function stores the given token contract and its denom as a whitelisted asset.
  • Function ft_on_transfer:
    • This function is for receiving assets (whose source chain is the NEAR protocol) from the NEAR protocol. It acts as a callback function which will be triggered when a token transfer to this account happens by calling the ft_transfer_call function of any NEP-141 contract.
    • Only the transfers from registered token contracts will be accepted.
    • If all checks passed, this function will generate a pending transfer request for the sender account. Then it will schedule a call of process_transfer_request function of near-ibc contract.
  • Function apply_transfer_request:
    • Only the near-ibc contract account can call this function.
    • If the given parameters matches the pending transfer request of the given user account, the pending transfer request will be applied and removed.
  • Function cancel_transfer_request:
    • Only the near-ibc contract account can call this function.
    • If the given parameters matches the pending transfer request of the given user account, the pending transfer request will be canceled and removed. The given amount of tokens will be transferred back to the sender account corresponding to the pending transfer request.
  • Function do_transfer:
    • Only the near-ibc contract account can call this function.
    • The BankKeeper::send_coins function, implemented by the transfer module in near-ibc contract, will call this function to transfer a certain amount of previously locked NEP-141 tokens from current account to a specific receiver in the NEAR protocol.

General process of ICS20 implementation

Transfer asset from other chain to NEAR protocol


Redeem cross-chain asset from NEAR protocol back to the source chain


Transfer asset from NEAR protocol to other chains


Redeem cross-chain asset from other chains back to NEAR protocol


Supporting features

Please refer to release notes for details.


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