
Docker build and test environment

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Docker build and test environment


Please refer to embox wiki: https://github.com/embox/embox/wiki/Emdocker


Image have some tricks to make build and debug embox pleasure.

  1. embox root directory passed as /embox mount, allowing to edit files via prefered way on host computer. However, new files created by build process should like as it were created on host. Container's user created on container start, taking uid/gid from embox mountpoint. So new files created by build process have same uid/gid, as host user.
  2. user's bashrc makes cd to embox project directory. So, ssh or docker exec commands have less to type.


Build step is not required for regular usage, it's dedicated to image developers. If you want to develop/extend this image, you can clone this repo, adjust Dockerfile and build your own image with next command

docker build -t embox/emdocker .

The new built image will substitude downloaded one under the embox/emdocker name, so you can test it without changing any scripts. If it is a problem, specify another name


This repo relies on Docker Hub automated build support. It rebuild and publish image under embox/emdocker name.

In the past, automated build published under embox/emdocker:latest-dev, while embox/emdocker:latest held manually built and sqashed image.

Since introducing embox/emdocker-test it's easier to keep things simple. If the big layer size will become a problem, see history of this README for instructions on squashing.