a small tool for ts packets parser
Compile: make clean;make
Usage: ./tsparser [s] -i filename
-i filename - opens "filename"
-o outfile - writes to "outfile"
-c cfgfile - config file
-d display ts Parser info!
-p psi_type - writes psipid info to "outfile"
psi_type : all-default(0)|pat(1)|pmt(2)|cat(4)|nit(8)
Tool features:
First: the Tool can be display SI information int the ts packets example:
./tsparser -di xxxx.ts -p 1
display PAT information
Second: the Tool can be used to capture the data or remove the data form ts file. You need to used configure file. example:
./tsparser -i xxxx.ts -c cfg.ini
Note: Command line config is high priority on the display information command