
Fictional project for writing examples in The Good Docs templates.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0


by The Good Docs Project

The Chronologue project is a sample, completely fictional open source project used to create examples of typical open source project documentation.

Chronologue helps you see what the The Good Docs Project templates look like in action, with actual content.

Why a fictional project?

We could link to real projects that have great documentation (whether or not they use our templates) but we would have to keep checking to make sure our recommendations and those projects' docs were still in sync.

By using a fictional project we can also give examples of what not to do without hurting anyone's feelings.

How Can I Use Chronologue?

Please, use Chronologue for entertainment purposes only!

Actually, you are free to link to, reproduce, or repurpose this text, within the bounds of our license.

We hope you find Chronologue useful as a way to explore technical writing and open source project documentation using templates.

How Can I Contribute to Chronologue?

Where is the Chronologue README?

The README for the Chronologue project is README2.md.