
Repository of modulefiles for use on GA's Iris cluster.

Modulefiles for use and testing of my Python packages on GA's Iris computational cluster.

Details regarding Iris can be found here, while particulars of modules and modulefiles can be found here.


Currently, this repository contains modulefiles for five of my github repositories:

In addition to my own github repositories, there are also modulefiles for the following:

The modulefiles are named after their corresponding packages, and they should require minimal modification for your own use on Iris. At the top of each module file, there is a TCL variable named


You will need to change this to the top-level directory of <package> on your account (the top-level directory is the directory created when pulling from the github repo). The mitpci and bci packages also depend on several other packages whose modulefiles are curated by this repository. (In particular, the mitpci package depends on: [ random_data, filters, bci, magnetics, fit_ellipse ], and the bci package depends on: [ filters ]). As a result, there is an additional TCL variable named


in both the mitpci and the bci modulefiles. You should change this to the directory containing the modulefiles for the mitpci and/or bci dependencies.

That's it! You shouldn't need to change anything else in the modulefile. The modules can then be loaded, unloaded, etc., as is discussed in the above-linked Iris documentation.