
Random hexamer bias analysis

Primary LanguagePython

Random hexamer bias analysis by Emma Dann

The most important folders (the ones that you will most likely have to use) are marked with a (!!!)


  • artificial_coverage: (!!!) building and analyzing predicted coverage profiles
  • base_composition: making profile of kmer content at specific genomic regions
  • BS_processing: wrappers to process raw reads (trimming, mapping, meth calling) for BS converted and not converted and multiple organisms
  • deltaGprediction: (!!!) scripts for prediction of binding energies from sequencing data
  • in_silico_conversion: scripts for in silico BS conversion of genome
  • optimization: (!!!) algorithm for primer batch optimization (implementation of Differential Evolution and E-score functions)
  • primer_concentration_effect: Analysis of differences in coverage for different primer batches.
  • quantify_bias: (!!!) analysis of experimental coverage profiles (in genes, sites of interest etc...)
  • rounds_preamp: analysis of effect of variable number of preamplification rounds
  • rscripts: miscellaneous r scripts
  • snakefile: tentative snakemake pipeline for Delta G prediction (not fully functional)
  • thrashNsnippets: old scripts and random stuff
  • utils: miscellaneous useful scripts (seq data handling, kmer counting, tests...)
  • hexVSprimed.py: miscellaneous helper functions for hexamer analysis scripts (not changing location not to mess up calling)