For modules 1 through 3, at a minimal, you should have the followings installed on your personal comptuer:
- R: The latest version of R can be found at
- RStudio Desktop: This can be found at If you already have the above software, please make sure that R is 3.4+ and RStudio is 1.0+
A version of this workshop (files ended with .ipynb) is designed to take advantage of the new R (3.4.2) on the Palmetto Supercomputer through a browser interface. The goal is to expose workshop participants to not only the capacity of R and RStudio but also to the availability of large-scale computing resources on Palmetto.
To successfully work with these .ipynb notebooks, please make sure that the following is completed prior to attending the workshop:
- You have a valid account on Palmetto. If you have not had an account on Palmeto before, please fill out an account request form at If you are not a faculty member and are not working on any active supervised research project, please select Educational as your account type. For Sponsor's Clemson Email, you can use the email address of the workshop's instructor.
This Palmetto's R module also contains access to the RStudio software (1.1.383). To gain access to this software, you will need to satisfy the following condition:
- You are able to launch graphical applications from inside the Palmetto Supercomputer. Please follow instructions at to learn how to log in to Palmetto and to learn how to run graphical applications inside Palmetto.
Using RStudio from inside Palmetto is not required for this workshop.