

Primary LanguagePHP

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Personal site.

Release badge version 5.0 Next.js badge version 9.4.4 WordPress badge version 5.4.2 emdecr badge

Intro | Installation | Local Setup | Server Setup | Credits


This is a hybrid environment using WordPress to manage content, and Next.js to serve a front-end application.


To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer.

Local Setup

# Clone this repository
## You can use the repo name as the dir name
$ git clone https://github.com/emdecr/edc

## OR Use whatever dir name
$ mkdir [insert dir name here]
$ cd [insert dir name here]
$ git clone https://github.com/emdecr/edc .


# Go into the repository and the cms dir
$ cd edc/data

# Make a wordpress dir
$ mkdir wordpress

# Clone WP in wordpress dir
$ cd wordpress
$ git clone https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress .

# Create a working branch from the right release
$ git checkout tags/5.4.2
$ git checkout -b stable-5.4.2

# NTS: You also need vars in the cms
$ edc/data/custom/themes/edc/includes/functions/endpoints/endpoint_vars.php

Installed Plugins


# Go into the repository and the app dir
$ cd edc/app

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# create an .env file
$ touch .env

# Run the app
$ npm run dev

Server Setup

Coming in a few.


Badges in this README.md provided by shields.io.