
A general quiz made with HTML, CSS, JS and jQuery. It has a timer to submit the answer. In the end the backend compute the user answers.

Primary LanguageHTML



This project is a quiz with three questions that are stored in the backend. User should choose an answer and send it, otherwise the timer may expire and the current question will be answered as nothing. After answering the three questions you will see how many you scored.

The user's answers are stored in the web browser local storage. When all questions are answered they are sent to the backend to be computed. It returns the result of the exam so the user will be able to see how much it scored.

It is used jQuery to deliver to the user a better experience with the dynamic and refreshless web manipulation.


Quiz options Quiz options

Quiz results Quiz results

Technologies used on this project

  • jQuery
  • web browser localstorage

Run the project

Clone this project:

git clone https://github.com/emeath/general-quiz-jquery.git

Go to the directory where the project was cloned.

You will need to have php properly installed on your machine. Then you can do the following:

Run a php server: php -S localhost:<WHATEVER PORT YOU WANT>, e.g. php -S localhost:8000

Access a web browser, then access: localhost:<the port used to run the php Server>