
This repo contains a Jupyter notebook documenting the process of (re)creating input-output examples for the American English flapping rule discussed in Gildea & Jurafsky (1996).

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


The goal of this notebook is processing the CMU pronouncing dictionary to create (input, output) / (underlying, surface) pairs for learning the American English flapping rule discussed in Gildea & Jurafsky's 1996 paper "Learning bias and phonological-rule induction".


  • Transcriptions: The version of the CMU pronouncing dictionary processed here (and assumed to be in the working directory) is taken from https://github.com/emeinhardt/cmu-ipa. Please see the documentation there for more on what processing goes into that file.
  • Unix-like OS: Some Unix-like shell commands are used throughout, though they aren't essential.


Currently the only output of the notebook is a .tsv file with positive examples of flappable underyling representationss and the flapped surface representations.