
Tooling for use with SAT solvers

Primary LanguageHaskellOtherNOASSERTION


zusatz is a (WIP) tooling library designed to support working with SAT solvers. In particular it is motivated as a companion to ersatz.

The motivating use case is debugging: given a formula that a solver has found a model for, why is the formula true under the model? The formula type supports adding an identifier to any Formula (sub)term and the Zusatz.Formula.Cofree module includes functions for annotating and filtering a propositional formula AST that hide information irrelevant to the truth value of the topmost node in the term (see examples below); that module also includes functions for identifying subterms of one formula that match the 'shape' of another (see exmaples below).

The Formula type

data Formula =
    Id      String Formula
  | Lit     Bool
  | And     Formula Formula
  | Or      Formula Formula
  | Implies Formula Formula
  | Not     Formula
  | Xor     Formula Formula
  | Ite     Formula Formula Formula
  | Iff     Formula Formula
  | Ands    (Seq Formula)
  | Ors     (Seq Formula)
  | Nands   (Seq Formula)
  | Nors    (Seq Formula)

Basic Example - why is a formula true?

In the formula ex below, the entire outer leftBranch is irrelevant to the truth value of ex, and the left half of the outer rightBranch is similarly irrelevant:

>>> leftBranch = (true && true)  Formula
>>> rightBranch = (true && false)  Formula
>>> ex = leftBranch && rightBranch
>>> pPrint ex
  ( And ( Lit True ) ( Lit True  ) )
  ( And ( Lit True ) ( Lit False ) )
>>> :t withEval
withEval :: Formula -> Cofree FormulaF Bool
>>> :t why
why :: Cofree FormulaF Bool -> Cofree FormulaF (Maybe Bool)
>>> pPrint $ why . withEval $ ex
Just False :< AndF
    ( Nothing    :< AndF ( Nothing :< LitF True ) ( Nothing    :< LitF True  ) )
    ( Just False :< AndF ( Nothing :< LitF True ) ( Just False :< LitF False ) )
>>> pPrint $ quiet . why . withEval $ ex
Just False :< MaybeT
  ( AndF Nothing
         ( Just ( Just False :< MaybeT
                  ( AndF Nothing
                    ( Just ( Just False :< MaybeT ( LitF False ) ) ) ) ) ) )

Matching subterms

>>> mkImplies p q = Or (Not p) q
>>> impliesEx = mkImplies (Lit True) (Lit False)
>>> oneMatch = Not impliesEx
>>> subtreeMatch impliesEx oneMatch
      False :< NotF (True :< OrF (False :< NotF (False :< LitF True)) (False :< LitF False))
>>> multipleMatches = mkImplies impliesEx oneMatch
>>> pPrint $ subtreeMatch impliesEx multipleMatches
      True :< OrF
        ( False :< NotF
          ( True :< OrF
            ( False :< NotF ( False :< LitF True ) ) ( False :< LitF False ) ) )
        ( False :< NotF
          ( True :< OrF
            ( False :< NotF ( False :< LitF True ) ) ( False :< LitF False ) ) )
>>> multipleMatches' = Id "foo" $ mkImplies (Id "bar" impliesEx) oneMatch
>>> pPrint $ subtreeMatch impliesEx multipleMatches'
      True :< IdF "foo"  -- Note that the annotation of an 'IdF' matches its child's.
        ( True :< OrF
          ( False :< NotF
            ( True :< IdF "bar"
              ( True :< OrF
                ( False :< NotF ( False :< LitF True ) ) ( False :< LitF False ) ) ) )
          ( False :< NotF
            ( True :< OrF
              ( False :< NotF ( False :< LitF True ) ) ( False :< LitF False ) ) ) )

Gory details

The two main datatypes are Formula and a base functor FormulaF. As you can see from the example above, annotations are currently handled via the Cofree comonad over FormulaF, but this may change.


The package is a WIP that needs more use/evaluation. Comments are welcome.