Design Pattern: Custom Oauth Login and Registration Integration

Intent: The Custom Oauth Login and Registration Integration design pattern is intended to provide a structured approach to building a user authentication system with registration and login options, including social platform integration (Google and GitHub) in a Laravel-based web application. The system ensures a seamless user experience with a custom login and registration form.

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  1. User: Represents individuals who use the web application.
  2. Frontend: The user interface for login, registration, and interaction with social login options.
  3. Backend: The application logic that processes user authentication, registration, and user account management.
  4. Database: Stores user account information and social platform credentials.
  5. OAuth Provider (Google and GitHub): External services that facilitate user authentication through OAuth 2.0.
  6. Web Server: Serves web pages and handles HTTP requests.
  7. Version Control (Git): Manages source code and project history.
  8. Command Line Interface (Git Bash): Used for command-line operations and interaction with Git.


  1. User Registration:

    • Allows users to create new accounts with custom credentials.
    • Validates user inputs and stores account details in the database.
  2. User Login:

    • Authenticates registered users using custom credentials.
    • Provides secure access to user accounts.
  3. Social Platform Integration:

    • Offers Google and GitHub login options.
    • Redirects users to the respective OAuth providers for authentication.
    • Verifies user credentials with the OAuth providers.
  4. User Account Management:

    • Manages user accounts and profiles.
    • Allows users to update account details, including email and password changes.
  5. Database Integration:

    • Connects to the MySQL database to store user account data securely.

Sample Flow:

  1. User Registration:

    • Users access the registration form.
    • They enter their details (name, email, password) and submit the form.
    • The backend validates the data and creates a new user account in the database.
  2. User Login:

    • Registered users visit the login page.
    • They enter their credentials (email and password) and submit the form.
    • The backend verifies the credentials and grants access to the user's account.
  3. Social Platform Integration:

    • Users have the option to log in with Google or GitHub.
    • Clicking the social login buttons redirects them to the respective OAuth providers.
    • After successful authentication, the OAuth provider sends user data back to the application.
    • The application verifies the data and logs the user in or registers a new user if needed.


  • Customized user experience: Offers custom registration and login forms.
  • Integration with popular social platforms: Allows users to log in with their existing Google or GitHub accounts.
  • Data security: Safely stores user account information in a MySQL database.


  • Data privacy: Ensure that user data is securely handled and that privacy policies are respected.
  • Usability and accessibility: Create a user-friendly interface that accommodates users of all abilities.
  • Performance: Optimize the application for speed and responsiveness.