
Samples shown as part of my Azure Container Apps Webinar (December 2021)

Primary LanguageBicep

Samples for Azure Container Apps

This repository contains some samples to demonstrate usage of Azure Container Apps (ACA). Consult the ACA tag on my blog for detailed articles and walk-throughs.

  1. Find a simple "Hello World" in 001-hello-aca
  2. See how a single-container app is provisioned using Bicep in 002-aca-single-container
  3. See how a multi-container app is provisioned using Bicep and Dapr in 003-aca-multi-container
  4. Exposing gRPC APIs with Azure Container Apps in 004-exposing-grpc
  5. How to run a custom Helm repository in Azure Container Apps & Azure Storage in 005-chartmuseum