
Sending files and firmware updates over Serial/RS-485. Works with ESP8266/ESP32

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

The library is outdated and replaced with implementation over standard Modbus.

Firmware update over Modbus


1. High level API

class SerialUpdate<HardwareSerial>|<SoftwareSerial> {
	String version;	// Filled with slave current version on slave init (begin())
	SerialUpdate(<HardwareSerial>|<SoftwareSerial>, uint16_t tx);	// Master build constructor
	SerialUpdate(<HardwareSerial>|<SoftwareSerial>, const char* ver = "", uint8_t id = 0);	// Slave constructor
	void begin(uint8_t slaveId = 0);	// Initialize connection to slave
	bool isIdle();	// from RSerial
	bool isReady();	// Actually chcks if version is not ""
	bool sendFile(char* name, File dataSource);		// Send file to slave
	bool sendUpdate(File dataSource);		// Send firmware update to slave
	bool cancel();		// Cancel current send operation
Loop functions:
	status_t taskMaster();	// from RSerial
	status_t taskSlave();	// from RSerial

// Update/Transfer commands
// CANCEL_ALL	Cancel current operation
// GET_VERSION	Get/Send version
// BEGIN_UPDATE	Initiate Update
// IMAGE_DATA	Push image data
// END_UPDATE	Finalize update
// FILE_CREATE	Begin file transfer
// FILE_DATA	Push file data
// FILE_CLOSE	Finalize file transfer
// FILE_ERROR	Unrecovarable file/update operation error (Unable to create file, Update or file write error)

2. Packet exchange protocol API

struct packetHeader {
	uint8_t sig[MAGIC_SIG_LENGTH];	// Packet signature
	uint8_t id;						// From/To slave ID
	uint32_t seq;					// Packet sequence #
	uint8_t command;
	uint16_t dataSize;				// Packet data size (Full packet size is sizeof(header) + data size + sizeof(crc32)

// Basic commands available
// C_OK	Packet is succefully processed (CRC is Ok no other errors)
// C_ERROR	General packet processing error (structure error or packet oversized)
// C_PING	Ping request/Reply
// C_BADCRC	Packet CRC mismach

union packetFrame {
	packetHeader header;
	uint8_t raw[FRAME_LENGTH];

class RSerial<HardwareSerrila>|<SoftwareSerial> {
	RSerial(HardwareSerial|SoftwareSerial serial);
	RSerial(HardwareSerial|SoftwareSerial serial, int16_t max485_tx);
	status_t taskSlave();
	status_t taskMaster();
	void clean();
	status_t send();
	status_t receive();
	virtual status_t processPacketMaster();
	virtual status_t processPacketSlave();
	bool isIdle();
	bool fillFrame(uint8_t com, const char* data, uint8_t slaveId = 0);
	bool fillFrame(uint8_t com, const uint8_t* data, uint16_t len, uint8_t slaveId = 0);
	bool fillFrame(uint8_t com, File data, uint8_t slaveId = 0);
	bool fillFrame(uint8_t com, const R &data, uint8_t slaveId = 0);	// Not tested

3. Resources used



Alexander Emelianov a.m.emelianov@gmail.com