
A restaurant website made with sass and html, following BEM good practices

Primary LanguageSCSS

Mozza Bar Website

📝 Table of Contents


🧐 About

The website of Mozza Bar's restaurant, where you can book a table, check the menu and get in touch with the restaurant staff.

🖇 Requirements

It was asked to do only the structure of the HTML, but to practice I have decided to include Sass for the styles of the desktop version. It's made with HTML and Sass. It has some cool features like a carousel for the menu, and masonry grid for the gallery of photos. alt text

🏁 Getting Started

It is not uploaded to the web yet, but it is possible to see it through the Live Server plugging of VSCode.

💡 Idea

It's made from the exercise proposed in the HTML module in the Upgrade Hub web development bootcamp