Getting started

Please read this section espacially if you are unfamiliar with Docker.



To install Docker itself please download and install package from


To boot Docker, run command from project's root directory:


docker-compose up

After finished work it's good to stop all project's containers with command:


docker-compose stop

While container is working you can use WP-CLI commands, like this:


docker-compose run --rm wpcli wp --info

Repository stucture

  • / - root directory where all enviroment files resides
  • /public/ - not editable, ignored files, contains WordPress core
  • /plugins/ - contains project plugins in directories mapped to specific ones in /public/wp-content/plugins/
  • /themes/ - contains project themes in directories mapped to specific ones in /public/wp-content/themes/
  • /docker-compose.yml - Docker project configuration file
  • / - this file runs everytime you run docker-compose up command and it's used to keep WordPress dependencies