- 2
“Dependency & Build Issues with Leabra Installation: Cogent Core and Looper Module Errors on Linux”
#31 opened by Neologian - 0
Emergent v1.4.31 seems to break Leabra
#30 opened by bdknguyen - 2
ra25 runtime error on Windows 10
#29 opened by bdknguyen - 1
- 1
- 1
WtFmDWt call timing issues
#20 opened by rcoreilly - 0
- 0
Python install
#21 opened by NialMcDJ - 1
stty behaviour, pyleabra
#18 opened by anargam - 0
confirm XCAL check-mark equations with plot
#19 opened by rcoreilly - 3 (python version) seems to render TrainUpdt/TestUpdt members as floats instead of constants
#5 opened by thazy - 0
- 1
leabra.Prjn does not implement emer.Prjn properly
#16 opened by rgobbel - 0
Mistake in ra25 code
#15 opened by StephenJRead - 3
- 0
Segfault when resizing the window during training
#12 opened by taiqihe - 0
TD algorithm not reflecting negative externally-delivered reinforcements (i.e., NegPV)
#11 opened by thazy - 0
Instructions about nogui should note that sims cannot be run nogui without modification
#10 opened by StephenJRead - 3
ra25 can't find file
#9 opened by StephenJRead - 0
Panic during network activation update
#8 opened by rohrlich - 1
User setting of maxTrials/maxEpochs ignored
#7 opened by rohrlich - 5
Main window for ra25 is misbehaving
#6 opened by StephenJRead - 2
`` needs `from leabra import env`
#2 opened by thazy - 2
- 15
- 3, line 378 causes Seg fault
#1 opened by thazy