An introductory course on how to go from little programming experience to writing your own NFT Smart Contract in Cadence. Along the way, you will learn important concepts about the Flow Blockchain and complete meaningful quests to aid your learning.
- 0xmovses
- 3cha1nThe Netherlands
- Acoder2468
- angelcastrejonOrange County, CA
- benyarb@soundcloud
- bharadhydasankannanIndia
- brunogonzalesLima, Peru
- btspoony@onflow
- bz-hashtag-0780
- caosbadBlockchain
- CharlesOuverleauxMETYCLE
- dakota-graffleGraffle
- FrancisCoDeGrano
- halfstepahead
- hejuk
- ianfooSeattle WA
- jacob-tuckerhttps://ecdao.org/
- jinkjonks@joseflegal
- joneskj55Palmares
- Keukendeur
- kimcodeashianToronto, ON, Canada
- LanfordCaiMetaverse
- lukefijiSeattle, WA
- magnumtopshot
- makolacky
- markedconfidential
- Meharab@DeadLockDAO
- menace10
- nmats
- Nox04Colombia
- Quin149
- shellylxy
- skyonedot
- someshdash
- tolgaerginLondon
- whimsieNashville, TN