
Toolchain for processing and inversion of (aerial) time domain EM into ground resistivity models

Processing and inversion tools for AEM

Emerald has open sourced our tooling for processing and inversion in a notebook. This is the same code that we run in our pipelines in our online tool Beryl. Please contact us at ehATemrld.no if you want beta access to Beryl.

As a result, you can always recreate the exact same results you got online locally and inspect the code that produced them, giving you the transparency you need in a scientific setting. What the online tool provide on top of this is a very nice manual culling tool with an integrated map view, a graphical editor for your processing workflow, and of course, the ability to run inversion on fast machines in the cloud without having to install and manage those machines!


This repository ties together all the other parts into a Luigi based pipeline runner for import/normalization, processing and inversion of AEM data. If you want to reproduce processings and inversion you did online, this is where you should start.

TEM processing pipeline and filter repository. This allows you to easily construct reproducible workflows for filtering and averaging your data prior to inversion.

Streamlined inversion of AEM data in a libaarhus container on top of the ordinary SimPEG tools for TEM data. More detailed documentation and notebooks showcasing how to use SimpleEM can be found in the example repo.

Container for electromagnetic geophysical measuerement data and resistivity models as well as parser for the XYZ family of formats and export functionality for a variety of visualization and mapping format. Supported data formats include

  • Aarhus Workbench XYZ model format as documented in the Workbench reference
  • Aarhus Workbench XYZ data format
  • SkyTEM XYZ format
  • Geometry files (.gex), defining the SkyTEM system and the used waveform
  • System response files (.sr2)
  • Workbench column mappings (.alc)
  • geojson
  • vtk 3d models