
Jenkins Ansible plugin

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Jenkins Ansible Plugin

This plugin gives the possibility to run Ansible ad-hoc command or playbooks as a build step.

Jenkins Wiki page: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Ansible+Plugin

Build Status

Using Jenkins Build and Environment Variables

It is possible to access build and environment variables in ansible playbooks. These variables are injected as environment variables within the ansible process. For example, use this code in an ansible playbook to access Jenkins BUILD_TAG variable.

- hosts: example
    - debug: msg="{{ lookup('env','BUILD_TAG') }}"

Job DSL support

steps {
    ansiblePlaybook(String playbook) {
        inventoryPath(String path)
        inventoryContent(String content, boolean dynamic = false)
        ansibleName(String name)
        limit(String limit)
        tags(String tags)
        skippedTags(String tags)
        startAtTask(String task)
        credentialsId(String id)
        sudo(boolean sudo = true)
        sudoUser(String user = 'root')
        forks(int forks = 5)
        unbufferedOutput(boolean unbufferedOutput = true)
        colorizedOutput(boolean colorizedOutput = false)
        hostKeyChecking(boolean hostKeyChecking = false)
        additionalParameters(String params)
        extraVars {
            extraVar(String key, String value, boolean hidden)
    ansibleAdHoc(String module, String command) {
        ansibleName(String name)
        inventoryPath(String path)
        inventoryContent(String content, boolean dynamic = false)
        credentialsId(String id)
        hostPattern(String pattern)
        sudo(boolean sudo = true)
        sudoUser(String user = 'root')
        forks(int forks = 5)
        unbufferedOutput(boolean unbufferedOutput = true)
        colorizedOutput(boolean colorizedOutput = false)
        hostKeyChecking(boolean hostKeyChecking = false)
        additionalParameters(String params)
        extraVars {
            extraVar(String key, String value, boolean hidden)


steps {
    ansiblePlaybook('path/playbook.yml') {
        extraVars {
            extraVar("key1", "value1", false)
            extraVar("key2", "value2", true)

Pipeline support

Ansible playbooks can be executed from workflow scripts. Only the playbook parameter is mandatory.


node {
        playbook: 'path/to/playbook.yml',
        inventory: 'path/to/inventory.ini', 
        credentialsId: 'sample-ssh-key', 
        extras: '-e parameter="some value"')

Extra Variables

Extra variables can be passed to ansible by using a map in the pipeline script. Use the hidden parameter to keep the variable secret in the build log.

node {
        inventory: 'local_inventory/hosts.cfg',
        playbook: 'cloud_playbooks/create-aws.yml',
        extraVars: [
            login: 'mylogin',
            secret_key: [value: 'g4dfKWENpeF6pY05', hidden: true]

Colorized Console Log

You need to install the AnsiColor plugin to output a colorized Ansible log.

node {
    wrap([$class: 'AnsiColorBuildWrapper', colorMapName: "xterm"]) {
            playbook: 'path/to/playbook.yml',
            inventory: 'path/to/inventory.ini', 
            credentialsId: 'sample-ssh-key',
            colorized: true) 