
REST API for a Bank made with Elixir, Cowboy and Ecto

Primary LanguageElixir


A small bank API system made for a challenge


This project was written in Elixir and using Cowboy for handling the HTTP requests and Ecto for managing the database.

The features are: sign_up, withdrawal, transfer money and see all transactions.



Setup for development

First of all, need to export your environment variables accordingly to your system setup.

$ export DATABASE_URL='ecto://postgres:postgres@localhost/challenge_repo'
$ export PORT='8080'

Install all code dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

Create the database and run all migrations:

$ mix ecto:setup

Running the application

Simply run the command below:

$ mix run --no-halt

To stop it, press twice Ctrl + C.

You can now send your requests to http://localhost:8080 or use the port configured in your environment variables.

Running tests

To run the tests suite, pass your environment variables and run this command:

Make sure to add _test to your database name so it will not affect your development database.

$ MIX_ENV=test PORT=8080 DATABASE_URL='ecto://postgres:postgres@localhost/challenge_repo_test' mix tests

Ensuring code consistency

To run Credo and make sure the code is consistent, run this command:

$ mix credo --strict

Deploying to Heroku

First, make sure you have Heroku properly configured in your machine, then add the Heroku repository:

$ heroku git:remote -a bank-api-merayo

After committing your changes and pushing it to master, run this command:

$ git push heroku master

If you added a migration, run the migration in Heroku:

$ heroku run "mix ecto.migrate"

Code Status

Codeship Status for emerayo/challenge

Codacy Badge


This project is released under the MIT License.


Made by Emanuel Merayo Goldenberg