Determining the Hierarchical Architecture of the Human Brain Using Subject-Level Clustering of Functional Networks
Teddy J. Akiki, Chadi G. Abdallah
Scientific Reports 9, 19290 (2019) doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-55738-y
The code relies on HierarchicalConsensus and GenLouvain.
This will help you generate a group-representative community organization starting from regional (parcellated fMRI) time series.
Before running the hierarchical consensus clustering algorithm, we first need to map the community organization from individual subjects. Functional MRI time series can be loaded in a nindiv x dtpoints x nroi
MATLAB array, where nindiv
is the number of individuals, dtpoints
is the number of datapoints in the time series, and nroi
is the number of ROIs. The null model here is based on Random Matrix Theroy. After you make sure that all relevant files have been added to the path, you can run
for i=1:nindiv
This will generate a cell array all_ci
containing subject-level hierarchical community organization. Note that the number of hierarchies can vary between subjects.
Optional: to reassign singletons, you can use
for i=1:nindiv
To organize the data in the cell arrays into an easier to use contactenated array, you can use
for i=2:nindiv
Now you can use HierarchicalConsensus algorithm (Jeub et al., 2018) to generate a co-classification matrix followed by the concensus clustering algorithm.
You will find the hierarchical community partition solutions described in the study in the brainmaps folder.
Get_A424_TS.m can be used to extract the A424 bold time series from any fMRI.nii.gz in the standard space.