
gedit for Drupal developer

Primary LanguagePython

This project contains Snippet for getid to have a rapid development for Drupal devel

= INSTALLATION =================================================================

  a)  Clone repository on your machine:

        # git clone git://github.com/mavimo/gedit-drupal.git
        # cd gedit-drupal

  b)  Copy language definition into /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/

        # sudo cp drupal.lang /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/

  c)  Create a new mimetype into your machine

        # sudo cp mimetype/drupal.mime.xml          /usr/share/mime/packages/drupal.mime.xml
        # sudo cp mimetype/drupal-theme.mime.xml    /usr/share/mime/packages/drupal-theme.mime.xml
        # sudo cp mimetype/drupal-profile.mime.xml  /usr/share/mime/packages/drupal-profile.mime.xml
        # sudo cp mimetype/drupal-make.mime.xml     /usr/share/mime/packages/drupal-make.mime.xml

  d)  Update mimetype database

        # sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime

  e)  Add icon into your icons folder, first of all find your iconset name 
      (gnome, Tangerine, ..), and copy into this folder (on scalable subfolder)
      icon file:
        # sudo cp icons/application-x-drupal-php.svg          /usr/share/icons/ICONSET_NAME/scalable/mimetype/application-x-drupal-php.svg
        # sudo cp icons/application-x-drupal-tpl-php.svg      /usr/share/icons/ICONSET_NAME/scalable/mimetype/application-x-drupal-tpl-php.svg
        # sudo cp icons/application-x-drupal-profile-php.svg  /usr/share/icons/ICONSET_NAME/scalable/mimetype/application-x-drupal-profile-php.svg
        # sudo cp icons/application-x-drupal-make-php.svg     /usr/share/icons/ICONSET_NAME/scalable/mimetype/application-x-drupal-make-php.svg
      after that regenerate iconset cache:
        # cd /usr/share/icons
        # sudo gtk-update-icon-cache ICONSET_NAME

  f)  Enable Snippet plugin from

        Edit -> Preferences -> Plugins

      If not already aviable please install it from your distrubution system, for 
      debian / ubuntu system you can use repostitory at deb.mavimo.org:

        # sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://deb.mavimo.org/ binary/' >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
        # sudo apt-get update
        # sudo apt-get install gedit-plugins

  g)  Add variuos snippets

        Tools -> Manage Snippets ...

      Press "Import snippets" button (second from left on bottom) and import *.xml file
      do you require. After that you can use drupal-snippet

= USAGE ========================================================================

Using Snippet is very simple, when you write a drupal module or install file 
please select, from View -> Highlight Mode -> Scripts -Drupal, and now you can
write your code with snippet accelerator, a complete list of snippet is aviable
If you create new mimetype to you machine is not required set Highlight Mode, sistem
automatically detect it.