
Laptop browser update service

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Brave Auto Update Services

Auto updater service managing update requests from locally installed updaters


Clone the repo

Install dependencies npm install


npm start

Environment variables

MONGOLAB_URI:           URL to Mongo [required]
RABBITMQ_BIGWIG_TX_URL: URL to RabbitMQ [required]

FIXIE_URL:              URL to fixie [optional]
NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME:     Name or app [optional]
NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY:  New Relic key [optional]
PAPERTRAIL_API_TOKEN:   Papertrail API token [optional]

S3_CRASH_KEY:           S3 crash key [required]
S3_CRASH_SECRET:        S3 crash secret [required]
S3_CRASH_BUCKET:        S3 crash bucket name [default]
S3_CRASH_REGION:        us-east-1 [default]

FEATURE_REFERRAL_PROMO: If set request will be proxied to the referral promo for the download endpoints [optional]
BEHIND_FASTLY:          If set the IP address sent to the referral promo will be in the second in the list rather than the first [optional]
S3_DOWNLOAD_BUCKET:     S3 download bucket name [default]
S3_DOWNLOAD_KEY:        S3 download key [required if FEATURE_REFERRAL_PROMO set]
S3_DOWNLOAD_SECRET:     S3 download secret [required if FEATURE_REFERRAL_PROMO set]