Auto updater service managing update requests from locally installed updaters
Clone the repo
Install dependencies npm install
npm start
MONGOLAB_URI: URL to Mongo [required]
RABBITMQ_BIGWIG_TX_URL: URL to RabbitMQ [required]
FIXIE_URL: URL to fixie [optional]
NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME: Name or app [optional]
NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY: New Relic key [optional]
PAPERTRAIL_API_TOKEN: Papertrail API token [optional]
S3_CRASH_KEY: S3 crash key [required]
S3_CRASH_SECRET: S3 crash secret [required]
S3_CRASH_BUCKET: S3 crash bucket name [default]
S3_CRASH_REGION: us-east-1 [default]
FEATURE_REFERRAL_PROMO: If set request will be proxied to the referral promo for the download endpoints [optional]
BEHIND_FASTLY: If set the IP address sent to the referral promo will be in the second in the list rather than the first [optional]
S3_DOWNLOAD_BUCKET: S3 download bucket name [default]
S3_DOWNLOAD_KEY: S3 download key [required if FEATURE_REFERRAL_PROMO set]
S3_DOWNLOAD_SECRET: S3 download secret [required if FEATURE_REFERRAL_PROMO set]