
Blog posts and structure of the Elao's Blog (http://www.elao.com/blog)

Elao blog data

Blog posts and structure of the Elao's Blog

##Users file: Must be at the root of the repo and named users.json

Example of users.json file:

    "name":  "Vincent",
    "slug":  "vincent",
    "email": "vincent.bouzeran@elao.com"
    "name":  "Guewen",
    "slug":  "guewen",
    "email": "guewen.faivre@elao.com"

##Tags file: Must be at the root of the repo and be named tags.json It contains the allowed tags used in posts. If a post use a tag not referenced in these file, the tag will be ignored.

Example of tags.json file:


##Posts file: The post files must be placed in the /posts folder. Each post must have two file: a markwon

For each post, you need to have 2 files in the /posts folder

  • The .md file that should contains the markdown content of the post
  • The .meta file that should contains the meta data for the article.

The two files must have the same name except the extension.


If your post is named "mysuperblogpost", you must have these two files in the /posts folder:

  • mysuperblogpost.md (hold the markdown content of the post)
  • mysuperblogpost.meta (hold the metas of the post)

##Post meta file The post meta file contains information about the associated blog post.

The metas are like this:

_slug_ \*The post's slug (used to identify the post. Must be unique among all posts)
_title_ \*The post's title
_tags_List of post's tag (must be reference by name of tags contains in the tags's file)
_status_ \*The post's status ("published", "draft")
_publish_by_ \*The publisher of the post (must be the reference of a user contains in the users's file either by email or slug)
_publish_at_ \*A date (any format supported by Moment.js)
_meta_title_The html meta title of the post
_meta_description_The html meta description of the post
* indicate required metas

Example of a post meta file:

    "tags":	           		["Symfony2", "Toto", "Titi"],
    "title":				"Imported post in ghost",
    "slug":					"imported-post-in-ghost",
    "status":				"published",
    "meta_title":			"Imported post in ghost",
    "meta_description":		"An imported post into ghost description",
    "publish_by":"			vincent.bouzeran@elao.com",
    "publish_at":			"2014-07-06"