Hi, I am

Typing SVG

🌱 Electrical Engineer, specialized on Telecom.

🌱 Finished Professional Program in Advanced queries on SQL/MySQL and OCI structure.

Skills and Tools

Programming Languages

  • python Python
  • java Java
  • matlab MATLAB
  • octave Octave
  • pascal Turbo Pascal
  • proton Proton Basic
  • assembler PIC Assembly

Frameworks and Technologies

  • spring Spring
  • spring-boot Spring Boot
  • json JSON
  • jwt JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
  • mysql MySQL
  • sqlite SQLite

Development Tools and Environments

  • git Git
  • github GitHub
  • intellij IntelliJ IDEA
  • neovim Neovim
  • vscode Visual Studio Code

Scientific and Mathematical Skills

  • electromagnetism Applied Electromagnetism
  • calculus Multi-variable Calculus
  • antenna Antennas Design
  • electronics Electronics

Operating Systems

  • linux Linux (Arch, Debian)
  • windows Windows

Document Preparation

  • latex LaTeX
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