This repository holds a collection of utilities, tools, and programs designed for a 6502 computer. This hardware project, originally designed by Ben Eater, provides an engaging platform for hands-on exploration of fundamental computer architecture.
The repository consists of:
- pcb: An EasyEDA project that contains the schematic and PCB I created based off of Ben Eater's design
- wozmon: The monitor program originally written for the Apple I updated to support this architecture
- part* Other random programs or notes at different stages of the project
The design of the 6502 Breadboard Computer was inspired by Ben Eater's YouTube video series and his serial interface kit. Visit his YouTube channel for a more comprehensive understanding of the project.
While these tools have been made publicly available, this repository is primarily a personal hobby project. If you would be interested in printing the PCB or would like the bill of materials, feel free to contact me.