
A ridiculously fun and nerdy game for practicing PHP class inheritance

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This is a game. It's very much still under development...

The Rules

How to design your own competive \GoatBattle\Goat

  1. Your goat class must extend \GoatBattle\Goat
  2. Your define three attributes which cannot add up to more than 20
  • Speed : determines how much you can do each turn
  • Horns : determines how damage your ram() inflicts
  • Toughness : determines how much ram()ing you can withstand
  1. Your sub-class must implement Goat::action(Situation $situation) which takes a Situation object as a prameter and returns an array of actions.
  2. Add your class file to src/GoatBattle and submit a PR
  3. When your class is merged it can battle other goats! @TODO URL HERE

More specs

  1. The playing field is 100 x 100 units tall and wide
  2. Goats can interact with the environment in one of three ways:
  • turn($n) : $n is an integer between 1-8. 1 is 45 degrees counterclockwise. -2 is 90 degrees clockwise. etc
  • move($n) : $n is how many units forward to move
  • ram() : Will inflict $this->horns of damage if the facing the opponent goat and adjascent cost is determined by the value of $this->horns - $this->toughness. Minimum cost is 1



  1. git clone [GITHUB URL]
  2. Download Composer or update composer self-update.
  3. Run php composer.phar install.

If Composer is installed globally, run

composer install

Environment variables

  • DATABASE_URL (not needed locally)

You should now be able to run: $ bin/cake server And visit: http://localhost:8765/battles/view/Quicky/Pokey (substitute the names of the goats)