
Deploy your Angular Package to NPM directly from the Angular CLI! πŸš€

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ngx-deploy-npm πŸš€

NPM version The MIT License

Deploy your Angular Package to NPM directly from the Angular CLI! πŸš€

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Table of contents:

⚠️ Prerequisites

This command has the following prerequisites:

  • Angular project created via Angular CLI v8.3.0 or greater (execute ng update @angular/cli @angular/core to upgrade your project if necessary)

πŸš€ Quick Start (local development)

This quick start assumes that you already an existing Angular project with a publishable package created and you already are logged in in npm using npm login

  1. Add ngx-deploy-npm to your project. It will configure all your publishable libraries present in the project

    ng add ngx-deploy-npm
  2. Deploy your library to NPM with all default settings. Your library will be automatically built in production mode.

    ng deploy your-library
  3. Your library should be published on npm. So go and check npm.js

πŸš€ Continuous Delivery

Independently of the CI/CD that you are using you must create an NPM token. To do so, you have two methods

  1. Set the env variable
    • On your project setting ser the env variable. Let's call it NPM_TOKEN
  2. Indicate how to find the token
    • Before publishing, we must indicate to npm how to find that token, do it by creating a step with run: echo '//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=${NPM_TOKEN}' > YOUR_REPO_DIRECTORY/.npmrc
    • Replace YOUR_REPO_DIRECTORY for the path of your project, commonly is /home/circleci/repo
  3. (Optional) check that you are logged
    • Creating a step with run: npm whoami
    • The output should be the username of your npm account
  4. Deploy your package
    • Create a step with run: npx ng deploy YOUR_LIBRARY
    • NOTE: You may want to execute an script that execute some pre steps before publishing and inside that script execute ng deploy YOUR_LIBRARY. If you want to make that script on JavaScript and put it on the package.json, execute it using npm not with yarn, there is an issue associated with that
  5. Enjoy your just released package πŸŽ‰πŸ“¦

The job full example is

# .circleci/config.yml
    executor: my-executor
      - attach_workspace:
          at: /home/circleci/repo/
      # Set NPM token to be able to publish
      - run: echo '//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=${NPM_TOKEN}' > /home/circleci/repo/.npmrc
      - run: npm whoami
      - run: ngx ng deploy YOUR_PACKAGE
You can check the steps suggested in the CircleCI's guide

πŸ“¦ Options


  • optional
  • Alias: -c
  • Default: production (string)
  • Example:
    • ng deploy – Angular project is build in production mode
    • ng deploy --configuration=test – Angular project is using the configuration test (this configuration must exist in the angular.json file)

A named build target, as specified in the configurations section of angular.json. Each named target is accompanied by a configuration of option defaults for that target. Same as ng build --configuration=XXX.


  • optional
  • Default: latest (string)
  • Example:
    • ng deploy --tag alpha – Your package will be available for download using that tag, npm install your-package@alpha useful for RC versions, alpha, betas.

Registers the published package with the given tag, such that npm install @ will install this version. By default, npm publish updates and npm install installs the latest tag. See npm-dist-tag for details about tags.


  • Default: public (string)
  • Example:
    • ng deploy --access public

Tells the registry whether this package should be published as public or restricted. Only applies to scoped packages, which default to restricted. If you don’t have a paid account, you must publish with --access public to publish scoped packages.


  • optional
  • Default: public (string)
  • Example:
    • ng deploy --otp TOKEN

If you have two-factor authentication enabled in auth-and-writes mode then you can provide a code from your authenticator with this.


  • optional
  • Default: false (boolean)
  • Example:
    • ng deploy --dry-run

For testing: Run through without making any changes. Execute with --dry-run and nothing will happen. A list of options will be printed

πŸ“ Configuration File

To avoid all these command-line cmd options, you can write down your configuration in the angular.json file in the options attribute of your deploy project's architect. Just change the kebab-case to lower camel case. This is the notation of all options in lower camel case:

  • access
  • configuration
  • dryRun
  • otp
  • tag

A list of all available options is also available here.


ng deploy your-library --tag alpha --access public --dry-run


"deploy": {
  "builder": "ngx-deploy-npm:deploy",
  "options": {
    "tag": "alpha",
    "access": "public",
    "dryRun": "true"

And just run ng deploy πŸ˜„.

ℹ️ You can always use the --dry-run option to verify if your configuration is right.

🧐 Essential considerations


Those files must be in the root of the library. They are being copied by the builder at the moment of deployment.

If you have those files outside the project's root, you can create a symbolic link to solve that problem.

See symbolic links on git to know how to create them properly.

Version bumping

This deployer do not bumps or creates a new version of the package, it just build the package/library, take the package.json as it and publish it.

Only publishable libraries are being configured

A publishable library is one that can be built. Here we detect that if the library in the angular.json has the architect build with the builder @angular-devkit/build-ng-packagr:build.

The angular.json look like

  "publishable-library": {
    "projectType": "library",
    "root": "libs/publishable-library",
    "sourceRoot": "libs/publishable-library/src",
    "prefix": "myworkspace",
    "architect": {
      "build": {
        "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-ng-packagr:build",
        "options": {
          "tsConfig": "libs/publishable-library/tsconfig.lib.json",
          "project": "libs/publishable-library/ng-package.json"

This take special context in NX environment.

You must take care about the version by yourself. Maybe using a script that sets the version

🏁 Next milestones

We are looking forward to the following features:

  • Implement Continuous Everything:
    • Integration
    • Inspection
    • Delivery
  • Specify which library add the deployer on the ng add
  • Add all the RFC proposals of ngx-deploy-starter
  • Custom README, LICENCE and CHANGELOG paths

Your feature that's not on the list yet?

We look forward to any help. PRs are welcome! πŸ˜ƒ


Code released under the MIT license.

πŸš€ Powered By ngx-deploy-starter