
TypeScript declaration file for Dingtalk JSAPI

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


TypeScript declaration file for Dingtalk jsapi

npm CircleCI branch

PR Welcome npm type definitions


  • With npm installed

    npm install typed-dingtalk --save-dev
  • With typings installed

    typings install github:Emeryao/typed-dingtalk -SG
  • Or get the declaration file here and include it to your project

  • for Angular
    projects created with ng new have a ./src/tsconfig.app.json with default content

        "extends": "../tsconfig.json",
        "compilerOptions": {
            "outDir": "../out-tsc/app",
            "types": []
        "exclude": []

    the line of "types":[] should be removed to make the declaration file work


Based on the official Dingtalk API documentation
dingtalk.js Version 2.3.0

About the jsdoc comment

  • all Chinese punctuations in comments have been removed
  • a comment quoted by " means it is directly copy/paste from the official documentaion
  • a comment quoted by ' means it is copied from the official documentation and had been modified

    a common scenario is removing some useless messages like "the type is number blablabla"

  • a comment has no quotes means it is written by myself

Last Update

2018.09.13 UTC+08:00