Highcharts Node.js Export Server

Docker image of a Highcharts Export Server running within a Node.js web application


The existing Highcharts Export Server docker image was outdated (and has since been deprecated), having been last pushed in 2016... and me being me, was looking for a fun app to dockerize!


You must have the Docker engine installed on your target environment.

Building from source

To build from source you need to clone the git repo and run docker build:

`git clone https://github.com/emes001/highcharts-export-server-node-app.git`
`docker build -t highcharts-export-server-node-app:<TAG> .`

Pulling from Docker Hub

This image is not yet published in the Docker Hub.


To run the container:

`docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm -it highcharts-export-server-node-app:<TAG>`

You can then browse to http://<DOCKER_HOST>:8080 to view the live export-server. To find your DOCKER_HOST use the docker inspect to get the IP address.

An HTTP GET request to / will return a JSON-formatted message, showing that the application is up and running. To generate a chart, issue a HTTP POST request to /. For instructions on how to format your request (with parameters), see this guide.


The following caveats apply to this Docker image:

  • You agree to the Highcharts license.
  • NPM security permissions have been disabled (within the container) due to Corporate Firewall/Proxy policies during the build process. They are re-enabled (within the container) after install completes.
  • The web application only accepts the following POST parameters: options and scale.
  • The web application only supports exporting PNG images.

References / Useful links
