
ActiveMQ image used by the JHU Data Archive

Primary LanguageDockerfile

ActiveMQ Image

Provides the ActiveMQ image used by the JHU Data Archive. By default supports:

  • Openwire protocol on port 61616
  • STOMP protocol on port 61613
  • AMQP protocol on port 5672

Virtual topics are enabled for topic names beginning with Consumer.

Default credentials for authentication are user: messaging, password: moo

KahaDB is the default persistence store, which uses ${ACTIVEMQ_DATA}/kahadb


Automated Build Build Status


Environment Variables

Description Variable Default Value
Home directory ACTIVEMQ_HOME /usr/local/activemq
Base directory ACTIVEMQ_BASE /usr/local/activemq
Configuration directory ACTIVEMQ_CONF /usr/local/activemq/conf
Persistence store ACTIVEMQ_DATA /usr/local/activemq/data