Show us your code

If you have existing code that you can share with us and are proud of, these exercises are optional—just send us a link to the repository (GitHub, Bitbucket, etc.).

RelayRides Code Exercises

If you are doing an exercise, you can pick any of the ones below. You should plan on spending 30–120 minutes on the exercise.



Build a single-page rental car search app using Hotwire’s Shopping API. It requires registering for an API key, but it should only take 60 seconds to register your test application.

At a minimum, the user should be able to:

  • search by date and location
  • view results in a list
  • click on a result to view more details about the car

We’ll be looking for clean, well-structured code and a polished user interface.

The choice of technologies (Angular, React, LESS, etc.) are up to you, but all projects should have a single index.html that loads scripts and stylesheets. Send us a link to your repository, as well as a hosted (Heroku, Google App Engine, Amazon EC2, etc.) version.


Simple Database

We really like Thumbtack’s Simple Database Challenge. We couldn’t put it better than they did, so just follow their instructions and send us a link to your repository.


In addition to Thumbtack, we have taken a decent helping of inspiration from Uber’s coding challenge.