
Source code for TiLDA badges during EMF

Primary LanguageArduino


Source code for TiLDA badges during EMF.

For schematics and libraries, please see the main TiLDA repository.


On Linux/OS X:

export ARDUINODIR=<Location of directory that contains 'hardware' directory>
# for Mac OS X this is likely '/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java/'
# for Linux, this will be ~/Downloads/arduino-1.0.1 or similar

for i in $PWD/../libraries/*; do if test -d $i; then ln -s $i $ARDUINODIR/libraries/; fi; done

On Windows:

  • Copy everything in libraries to the libraries subfolder of arduino-1.0.1.

Building with Arduino IDE

  • Run Arduino IDE
  • Open TiLDA.ino
  • Select correct port under Tools, Serial Port
  • Choose Arduino Leonardo under Tools, Board
  • Hit File, Upload

Building wth Makefiles

To use some of the the make files you'll need Crosspack-AVR Otherwise, copy one of the arduino.mk files.

On Linux/OS X:

cd <project>
export SERIALDEV=/dev/ttyACM1 # optional

Makefiles are not supported on Windows.

Getting the IRLED to transmit

The IR LED is apparently underpowerd. A reasonable hack to get it to power such that you can send and receive using the shirriff example code (IRsendDemo and IRrecvDemo) is to hold pin 4 HIGH and use a physical jumper to connect the two.