
A website URL crawler, checks for broken links then emails to recipients. Can be automated with cron to run regularly on your website.

Primary LanguagePython


A simple website URL and link checker. It crawls through a given sitemap for every accessible URL, checks that the response is 200 (OK). It then procedes to check every link in the html of that page.

This script does not create the sitemap for you, so for that you can a website such as https://freesitemapgenerator.com/ or https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/.


It is recommended to use a virtual environment with this package, although it is not essential.

To install the required packages use pip: pip install -r requirements.txt


Command Line & Server side

Copy the contents of the conf/conf.ini.example file into conf/conf.ini in the same directory.

Modify your config file with the details for your site:


Config option Description
SiteName The name of your site, this is for display only and gets used in the output for easier identification
UseLocalFile yes (default) / no
LocalSitemapFile File path + name relative to this directory
DownloadSitemap yes / no (default)
RemoteSitemapUrl The url of the sitemap hosted on your website
OutputToFile yes (default) / no
OutputFileName Name of the file that the results will store. Can be placed elsewhere using relative path
LogfileDirectory The directory where logs will be saved, ensure you have the correct permissions for the directory. The script will a directories per site, ie: <LogFileDirectory>/linker/<SiteName>/<date-of-scan>


Config option Description
EmailOutput yes (default) / no
AdminEmailAddress The address of that emails will be sent from
AdminEmailPassword The password of the Admins email account -> PLAIN TEXT!
RecipientEmailAddresses The recipient(s) email where the output gets sent to. Separate multiple emails with ','


For sites that are protected behind a username and password, you can authenticate by providing the username and password in the config.

WARNING These are stored in plain text, so the right priviledges should be granted to keep them as secure as possible.

Config option Description
SiteUsername The username for the protected site
SitePassword The password for the protected site -> Plain Text

To run the script, ensure you have python (min <2.7) installed and run: python3 linker.py


You can pass the config file name as a Command line argument, this is useful for multiple sites with a config for each site. ie:

python3 linker.py mysite.ini

python3 linker.py mysecondsite.ini

Graphical interface

Enter the linker directory, and run: python3 main.py

From here you can enter or browse for the filename of the XML sitemap, and click enter.


If your site has http authentication, then you will be asked to enter the username and password for the site. These details are not stored.

The script will carry out the test on every url, and then output a report of all the broken links found.