
This is a python script that fetches all the active emails in a Google workspace

Primary LanguagePython

Active User Email Fetcher

This Python script fetches a list of all active user email addresses from a Google Workspace domain. It utilizes the Google Admin SDK API and is intended for compliance auditing or similar purposes.


  • Google Cloud Platform Project: This script requires an active Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project.

  • Admin SDK API Enabled: Ensure the Admin SDK API is enabled within your GCP project. Visit: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/library/admin.googleapis.com

  • Service Account: A service account with the following scope is needed:

    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user.readonly
  • Python Libraries: Please install these libraries using pip:

    • google-api-python-client
    • google-auth-httplib2
    • google-auth-oauthlib


  1. Download Service Account Credentials: Download the JSON credentials file for your service account from your GCP project.

  2. Modify script.py: Locate the script (you may rename script.py to suit your project). Update the following variables:

    • SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE: Provide the path to your downloaded JSON credentials file.
    • admin@domain.com: Replace with an admin user in your Google Workspace domain.


  1. Execute the script:
    python script.py  


  • The script generates progress updates in your console/terminal.
  • A file named active_user_emails.txt will be created, containing a list of active user email addresses.